COST Action CA22146


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DIVERSICROP first Training School – “Data mapping and visualisation: from scattered datasets to a StoryMap”

DIVERSICROP first Training School – “Data mapping and visualisation: from scattered datasets to a StoryMap”

DIVERSICROP first Training School entitled: “Data mapping and visualisation: from scattered datasets to a StoryMap” took place on May 14-16 in Belgrade (Serbia), and was hosted by Dr Milos Milosevic and Assoc. Prof. Vojislav Simonovic at the University of Belgrade.

The Training team was led by Prof. David Gil (Uni. of Alicante-Spain) and Assoc. Prof. Meriel McClatchie (Univ. College Dublin-Ireland) and assisted by two YRI- David Ferrer and Carmen Garcia (Uni. Alicante- Spain).

A total of 19 trainees (12M/7F) from 14 different countries, representing a total of ~80% of YRI attended the event and thoroughly enjoyed the data training, networking and social activities. 

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