COST Action CA22146


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DIVERSICROP first Training School entitled: “Data mapping and visualisation: from scattered datasets to a StoryMap” took place on May 14-16 in Belgrade...

DIVERSICROP first Training School – “Data mapping and visualisation: from scattered datasets to a StoryMap”

Diversity is good for nature and for our well-being. Agriculture is dominated by few crop species, and local specialization further...

Newsletter 3 – June 2024

Our first call for applications for support for short-term scientific missions (STSM) is published. Download Flyer here. The purpose of...

Call from DIVERSICROP for Short-term Scientific Mission (STSM)

Our first call for Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) conference grants applications is published. An ITC Conference Grantee receives support for...

Call from DIVERSICROP for ITC conference grant applications 2024

A dissemination conference grant supports an oral presentation of the work of the Action by an Action participant at a...

Call from DIVERSICROP for dissemination conference grant applications 2024

Diversity is good for nature and for our well-being. Agriculture is dominated by few crop species, and local specialization further...

Newsletter 2 – March 2024

Our first Training School will take place at University of Belgrade hosted by Prof. Vojislav Simonovic from 14-16 May 2024....

Our first Training School will take place at University of Belgrade

Europe’s need for sustainable, nutritious food faces overlooked crops like rye and legumes, which are key for healthier diets. DIVERSICROP...

Newsletter 1 – December 2023

Our first Action meeting took place on February 13-15 in Budapest (Hungary), hosted by Dr. Bálint Balázs and joining 40...

First Action meeting took place on February 13-15 in Budapest (Hungary)

We wish everyone happy holidays to you and your family. May we all have a prosperous. New Year of 2024...

Happy Holidays

Our first WG2 webinar took place 13th December hosted by the WG2 – Crop Science leaders: The 200Min recording is...

WG2 – Crop Science Webinar

Unveiling the Emblem of Growing Diversity: The Story Behind the DIVERSICROP Logo

DIVERSICROP has a logo