COST Action CA22146


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Opportunities and Grants

Opportunities and Grants

Stay tuned for our updates

Please contact our GHM – Dr. Mortaza Khodaeiaminjan to advertise conferences and/or job opportunities (including Ph.D. positions) in your institutions and/or companies.

Our first call for applications for support for short-term scientific missions (STSM) is published. Download Flyer here. The purpose of...

Call from DIVERSICROP for Short-term Scientific Mission (STSM)

Our first call for Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) conference grants applications is published. An ITC Conference Grantee receives support for...

Call from DIVERSICROP for ITC conference grant applications 2024

A dissemination conference grant supports an oral presentation of the work of the Action by an Action participant at a...

Call from DIVERSICROP for dissemination conference grant applications 2024